Week 11
Mar 19th, 2013 by Maria Burns Ortiz
April 2: Self-editing, editing and headlines
Reading: Writing and Reporting the News: Appendix D
Complete the “News U – Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision” online course. Email your “Course Report” to me: maria_burnsortiz@emerson.edu.
In-class: Headline writing
Assignment: Story revision — self editing and peer editing.
Revise your feature assignment using the self-editing techniques/strategies covered in News U/class. Submit the edited hardcopy (with marks – from class). Have one additional person edit a hard copy of your story for you. Have them write his/her name on the copy. (This is in addition to the peer revision in class.) Submit that with your edited version. Write a short summary on the changes you made/reworking you did – how, why, etc. Give you story a headline.
Submitting to me on Thursday:
– Your edited hardcopy
– In-class peer edited
– Additional peer edited
– Editing explanation graf(s)
– Revised feature with headline
Powerpoint: Revision
April 4: Obits
Writing and Reporting the News: Chapter 17
Tuesday and Wednesday’s New York Times obituaries
Assignment: Write a 250-400 word “no-bit” on a classmate. Must include two sources (one friend, one family member – include those sources contact info with your piece). Classmate cannot provide any information about him/herself. In place of COD, use “is a [YEAR] studying [MAJOR] at Emerson College. In place of survivors, you can write “Their family members are…”
Powerpoint: Obits
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