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Week 7

Feb. 26: Research and Reporting

Reading: Writing and Reporting the News: Chapter 12, Chapter 14

In-class: Lexis-Nexis; How to set up a News U account and select/complete a self-directed course.

Homework: Write approved story from Week 5 idea list.

Powerpoint: Facts, Research

Feb. 28: Press freedoms and access

Readings: AP Stylebook, Briefing on Media Law: Legal Principles of Newsgathering – Making a Request under FOIA (p. 322-328)

Online course to be completed before coming to class: Complete the “Freedom of Information” online course. Read each of the four sections included on the side menu. This includes items 1-11 under “How It Works,” all tips under “Writing a Request,” links under “Open Meetings” and “Public Records,” completing the FOIA scavenger hunt and each icon under “Stories you can do.” You do NOT need to “Share a story idea” or do anything related to the Discussion Forum. Email your “Course Report” to me: maria_burnsortiz@emerson.edu.

In-Class: Write a FOIA letter

Powerpoint: FOIA

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