Week 10
Aug 21st, 2012 by Maria Burns Ortiz
Nov. 6: Sources, Politics
Reading: Writing and Reporting the News: Chapter 15, Chapter 19
Follow news outlets’ (including the NY Times) coverage – print/online and broadcast – in the lead up to the election. Come prepared to discuss your observations in class.
Read the NY Times endorsement of Obama. Also, choose two other newspapers and read their endorsements of either Obama or Romney. Come prepared to discuss who (outlet)/what you read as far as endorsements on Tuesday.
Assignment: “Cover” a speech. (Review back to Week 8 readings/Powerpoint). Write a hard news story off either the presidential acceptance speech or concession speech. Interview at least three people to get “crowd quotes”/reaction.
Nov. 8: Self-editing and editing
Reading: Writing and Reporting the News: Appendix D
Complete the “News U – Get Me Rewrite: The Craft of Revision” online course for Nov. 6. Email your “Course Report” to me: maria_burnsortiz@emerson.edu.
Assignment: Story revision — self editing and peer editing. (Feature from Nov. 1)
Powerpoint: Revision